Living through "interesting times" can increase stress on farmers
As a nation we are going through interesting times.
Brexit will inevitably bring changes to the future of agriculture, but it is difficult planning in uncertainty. There are some worried and concerned people who are producing the food to go on our tables.
Farming by its very nature is a long term planning operation. We should value and encourage all of their efforts.
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution was fortunate to have a stand at Minsterley Show recently, and over the discussion of books, toys and calendars, we always ask “Have you heard of RABI?” The Shropshire committee is grateful for this opportunity to raise awareness and much needed funds, all spent on farming families within the county. Along with our sales, a raffle at Stapeley Vets, and a donation from Rea Valley Tractors over £700 will help to make life easier.
A phone call to 0808 281 9490 can be the first step towards a more positive future. A compassionate trained welfare officer will listen. RABI is able to help farmers and farm workers who, through no fault of their own, have been struggling financially, perhaps though illness, bereavement, or family breakdown,
Life is full of good days and then bad days when everything goes wrong. Talking to others about your work, making friendships built on shared experiences, and discussing your worries and concerns with a trusted person all helps.
Many people who are involved in farming work long hours on their own, making responsible decisions, dealing with livestock, now tilling fields for next year's crops of grain. We are also fortunate to have Shropshire Rural Support Network which offers listening care on 0300 123 2825.
The Septuagenarian runner Mervin Mullard is hoping for a good speed in the half marathon around Lake Vyrnwy on September 8, as well as raising funds.
On Friday, October 4, we will learn more of the history of Lake Vyrnwy, with a talk by Alwyn Hughes, at Hadnall Village Hall at 7pm. Tickets, to include pie and pud, from Lloyd on 01743 884414
If you would like further information please contact RABI regional manager Kate Jones at
Christine Downes, Shropshire RABI committee member