Shropshire Star

Farming Talk – December 20

As 2019 draws to a close, it has been a difficult year for those involved in producing and growing food for consumers in Britain.

Christine Downes, RABI committee member

Political and media pressures along with the wet autumn weather have brought many financial and emotional pressures. However the farming community is resilient and looks forward to a positive start to 2020.

The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution is the charity for supporting farming families, and nationally over £2.3m has been given in grants in 2019. Shropshire has a beneficiary expenditure of £59,359 (from January to November 2019) and has raised £21,333 to date. The kindness and generosity of businesses, Young Farmers, churches and many individuals is appreciated by all those receiving financial help. With the recent flooding and Tomlinson's Dairies situation the Freephone Helpline 0808 281 9490 has been busy.

The grand draw has raised £1,828. Thank you to all those who purchased tickets, and for the warm welcome in our local livestock markets. Get your thinking caps on for the Mullard Quiz on January 31 at Hadnall Village Hall. More details from regional manager Kate Jones 07876 492 839 or

We thank all those working over the festive Christmas break, in hospitals, emergency service workers, retail, farmers, journalists, clergy, and wish them a peaceful time.

Christine Downes, RABI committee member

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