Shropshire Star

Web seminar for farmers on rights of way

We are inviting farmers to join an online seminar on public access and rights of way.

Philip Meade of Davis Meade Property Consultants

The seminar takes place on Zoom on May 20 at 7pm with some 50 places available for members of the Farmers Union of Wales and other interested parties to join in.

Footfall on public rights of way is increasing as more people use the footpath network for their exercise during coronavirus lockdown and many farmers and landowners are asking what they should be aware of as the public cross their land.

The lockdown has highlighted the benefits of walking for wellbeing and mental health and there may be some capital advantage in this for farmers linked to future funding for public goods as one of the first clauses in the Finance Bill mentions that Defra will pay for things like public access.

The zoom seminar will discuss Definitive Map Modification Orders which can be put in place if someone intends to claim a new footpath across land and also the merits and pitfalls of temporary diversions and permissive routes which may incur increased liability for the land manager.

You can find out more about the seminar and book a place at

Philip Meade of Davis Meade Property Consultants

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