Shropshire Star

Notice changes affecting tenancies

Increasing numbers of farms have the benefit of additional incomes from farm cottages or barn conversions which are let alongside their agricultural businesses under assured shorthold tenancy agreements.

Camilla Whitehouse, Nock Deighton

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic there has been difficulty for landlords looking to regain possession of their property by serving a S21 ‘no-fault’ notice. This is due to the increased timescales for serving notices of six months, and more recently four months.

However, from October 1, 2021, the notice period has been reduced to two months.

The prerequisite actions for a S21 notice still apply, and this includes the following; the tenant having been provided with a copy of a valid EPC for the property, a copy of the ‘How to Rent Guide’, a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate (where applicable) and the deposit having been protected and the correct prescribed information provided to the tenant.

Camilla Whitehouse, Nock Deighton

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