Shropshire Star

Time is ticking for registration of historic rights of way

With less than four years until the proposed cut-off date for the registration of historic rights of way, lack of parliamentary time is causing doubt over whether the date of January 1, 2026, will be implemented.

Melanie Holt is a rural chartered surveyor and agricultural valuer at Moule & Co

Claims of public rights of way over private land can be successful if established through historic evidence that "on the balance of probabilities" the status of a public highway already exists, which will lead to a legal record on the Definitive Map.

As a landowner, this can be difficult to challenge. There is no clear protection that can be put in place, although records of any extinguishment orders and expert professional advice can assist in challenging the weight of evidence presented during the determination process.

There is also no obligation for a landowner to provide information or access to private land if approached by a researcher and lobbying the local MP for the 2026 implementation date could be time well spent!

Melanie Holt is a rural chartered surveyor and agricultural valuer at Moule & Co

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