The Green Heat Fund Network
The Green Network fund is a three-year scheme, which opened in March 2022 with a total of £288 million capital funding available.
The fund aims to support the public, private and third parties in developing cooling networks and low carbon district heating.
The second round of funding is now open, with a closing deadline of August 26 2022.
Heat networks take heat or cooling from a central source and deliver it to a variety of different customers such as shops, offices, hospitals and homes.
They avoid the need for individual boilers or electrical heaters in every building because they can supply multiple buildings.
Heat networks have the potential to be a cost-effective way of reducing carbon emissions and have the potential to reduce bills.
The scheme offers grant funding of up to 50 per cent of eligible commercialisation and construction costs.
Rural off-gas grid networks are eligible, provided they cover 100 dwellings and deliver heat within five years of first connection.
More information can be found on the Government website.
Hannah Young works for Fisher German