Shropshire Star

OF&G calls for stronger recognition of organic to halt nature decline

The nature-friendly practices that deliver organically-produced food risk being overlooked and warrant stronger Government recognition.

OF&G’s CEO Roger Kerr

It comes in reaction to green groups claiming the Government is "limping backwards" in the race to halt nature’s decline following a report by the Wildlife and Countryside Link.

The report revealed limited progress from the Government in achieving its goal to protect 30 per cent of England’s land and sea for nature by 2030 to help restore wildlife to the environment.

Scientific evidence shows that wildlife is 50 per cent more abundant on organic farms, that also attract 34 per cent more species than land under conventional food production.

The UK risks falling behind Europe where 16 countries each have more than 10 per cent of land dedicated to organic production. The UK only has three per cent despite having the third fastest-growing organic retail market in Europe.

France and other EU countries provide substantial support for the organic sector through research and innovation.

Organic is recognised by them as an effective public policy tool in reaching environmental policy objectives.

If we wish to succeed in the transition to more environmentally-friendly practices then we need to promote higher organic conversion rates and the Government can play an important role in sending that message to the farming community.

Roger Kerr is OF&G’s CEO

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