Permission sought for new buildings to support farming enterprise in Wem
Planning permission is being sort for new agricultural buildings at a farm in Wem.
Peter Richards and Co has been instructed by CH Brassington & Sons to seek permission for the erection of two agricultural buildings to support the farming enterprise at Creamore House Farm.
A design and access statement says: "C H Brassington & Sons’ is a family run dairy farm, owned and operated by James Brassington and his family.
"The business farms 750 acres primarily based at Creamore House Farm and within the locality, half of which is owned and half rented.
"The applicants manage their milking herd of 570 head and 390 replacements plus 540 beef cattle from Creamore Farm.
"The applicants are subject to TB restrictions which has implications on their farming practices resulting in all youngstock having to be kept on the holding.
"Current national measures to contain the spread of TB in cattle, requires periodic testing and restricts movements of cattle off holdings with infected animals.
"As a result all animals born to the milking herd are reared either as dairy followers or beef cattle."
The statement said that as the applicant's cattle develop, their requirements change and, as they grow, they are required to have more space and are to be housed within age groups.
"This is confirmed by the Red Tractor Assurance Standards," the statement adds.
"The proposed development will not see the cattle numbers on site increase, but the applications looks to ensure that the farm can provide modern cattle housing for stock managed on site due to changes in farming practices.
"The proposed location of the building is convenient to the access of the farm and close to other buildings making up the farmstead."
It added: "The proposed buildings will be located on an area of existing managed grassland adjacent to the area to the existing farmyard.
"The applicant is proposing tree planting to the west of the building(s) and is willing to provide additional enhancements such as bat/bird boxes in the existing trees around the site."
Search for 23/02182/FUL on the Shropshire Council planning portal for the full application.