Shropshire Farming Talk: An update from Walford Farm
Whilst the weather is making its mind up and the chillier and longer nights have come around again the cows are back inside with a plan to go back out towards the end of January.

This has worked really well for the last few years as the cows love the grass and freedom and it helps us ensure we keep the costs under control.
We have 240 cows now in milk with an average of 20 litres production. The production is good for these cows as the herd breed profile has now changes with a smaller cow which has significantly decreased our costs and our aim is to now keep the selection pressure building to bring the best cows through each year into the breeding cycle.
As the block calving has now finished we are focusing on breeding with 18 per cent of the herd served in the last three days.
The aim is to hit as close to 95 per cent of the cows in calf within a six-week block as this ensures that the management and care of the cows can flow more consistently through the herd and the changes in feed requirements and care can more easily be monitored and completed.
The quality of milk produced by the cows is excellent with high fats and proteins which will go to Joseph Helers for cheese and butter production.
We have focused a lot of time and energy on our breeding plans and selection along with calf nutrition to keep developing the sustainability and health of the herd.
Our work with LIC is continuing with a shift in focus next year, so keep any eye out for updates. It has been great this year to have farmers from New Zealand and Ireland along with local groups visit us and we try to get out to visit other farms as much as possible to gather ideas.
As a little edition here, anyone following our social media pages will have seen the updates about the new stable block that was completed last month and keep a look out for updates on the trips and activities the students have been taking part in. As always at Christmas there is extra tinsel and chocolate around.
Bronwen Bray, Head of Walford College