Roaring trade at Shrewsbury store cattle sale

Steers sold to £1,555 or 324p per kilo and heifers to £1,355 or 260p per kilo at auctioneers Halls’ final store cattle sale of the year at Shrewsbury Auction Centre on December 21.

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Shrewsbury Auction Centre manager Jonny Dymond selling store cattle.

The Brown family from Rock Farm, Welshpool entered a quality and consistent run of pure-bred Limousins which topped the market per head and pence per kilo. Their first pair of steers reached £1,555 (490kg) followed by another that achieved £1,460 (450kg), a whopping 324p per kilo, top premium on the day.

Heifers from the same home peaked at £1,295 (450kg) four times with the top premium 420 kilo heifer selling for £1,270.

Rob Morgan of Harebutts, Telford had his Limousin cross steers top at £1,500 (555kg) for a 17-month-old while his yearlings sold like fire from £1,100 to £1,180. A pair of angus steers from J. E. Mitchell, Newport hit £1,490 (570kg), British Blues to £1,460 (585kg), dairy bred Limousins from R. H. Lewis & Son, Crickheath to £1,380 (510kg) and Herefords hit £1,350 (525kg) for the winners of the draw, F. & M. M. Shingler & Sons, Westbury.