Plans submitted for new livestock building at farm near Newport
A Shropshire farming enterprise plans to diversify its operation by building a new livestock building.

Applicant N & J Crow has applied for permission to build a livestock building with feed silos, an office/plant room and vehicular access at Cherrington Manor, near Newport.
In its design statement it says: “Cherrington Manor is a successful farming enterprise looking to diversify to ensure the enterprise remains so, meaning the development of the livestock building is acceptable in principle since it relates to a well-established agricultural enterprise,”
“The proposed development will assist in the day to day running of the farm ensuing its viability and continued growth.
“The building is acceptable in principle, being in keeping with the character of the site without having a significant impact on any neighbouring properties.
“The development has been designed to ensure that the farming operations can be managed in the most efficient manner and will ensure the application complies with the latest animal welfare regulations.”
The applicant states that there is planning permission for a livestock building adjacent to the site which will have the same access and compacted hardcore yard.
Plans have been submitted to Telford & Wrekin Council for the new livestock building which would measure 60 metres by 15 metres.
They state that it will be the same design and six as the approved building adjacent.
N & J Crow states that the proposed ‘modern agricultural building’ is required to fulfil the functional need of the existing farm business and provide accommodation for livestock in line with Farmed Animal Regulations for animal welfare.
The site is accessed via a public country lane and the proposed building would be visible from the road.
The applicant says that existing hedgerows along with additional planting will assist in ‘partially screening’ the building.
“The design, layout, scale and materials and colour of the new building harmonises with the locality and wherever possible maximised energy efficiency” said the applicant.
“The existing natural landscaping effectively screens and reduces the visual impact of the proposed buildings. The design of the proposed development is typical to the nature of the site, and it’s considered the location of the proposed building to be the most appropriate being sited
“The site is situated in a rural, isolated location away from neighbouring properties and therefore it is deemed there will be no significant detrimental impact.
“The scheme will not create sporadic development in the countryside as the proposed building is on the same site that has planning permission approved for a livestock building of the same design and scale.
“The scale and dimensions of the agricultural building is to maximise the space and quality for the intended use and to minimise the visual impact of the building upon the surrounding area.
“It is considered that the proposal would be a subservient addition, which would not cause any adverse impact upon the landscape. As such, it is thought that the development proposed would not cause any unacceptable impact upon the character of the surrounding area.”
Plans can be viewed on the Telford & Wrekin Council’s website, application number TWC/2024/0073. Any comments need to be made during the consultation phase which ends on February 22.