Happy Easter for egg producer as further extension plans are approved

It is Easter and a family-run egg-producing business has reason to celebrate after being given permission to expand its packing and storage facility.

The business will be allowed to expand its packing and storage facility.

The application for Heal Eggs, based at Heal Farms, near Stanton Upon Hine Heath, Shawbury, has been approved by Shropshire Council's planning department.

The proposal was for the business to extend its existing facility by 1,656 square metres.

A statement from planning agents, Ian Pick Associates, explained the expansion was needed due to significant growth in the number of eggs being produced.

It said: "The applicants were granted planning permission in 2020 for the erection of an egg packing, grading and storage facility. This facility was in development during late 2020 and early 2021 and became operational in the Spring of 2021.

"Since the egg packing, grading and storage facility was developed, the applicants have expanded their egg production enterprise from 500,000 laying hens up to 682,000 laying hens.

"This proposal seeks consent to extend the egg packing and storage facility at Hazeldene to enable the facility to cope with the expanded production.

"The development is used for packing and grading of all of the eggs produced by the Heal Eggs Ltd business and then dispatched directly into the supermarkets."

Shropshire Council's planning officers John Shaw has now confirmed the proposal has been approved.

In a report outlining his decision he said: "The proposed change of use of the existing building to provide further egg packing and storage in association with the established poultry business is acceptable in principle and would provide additional local rural employment opportunities.

"The use of the building would not result in a detrimental impact on the safe operation of the highway or residential amenity and is therefore recommended for approval."