Shropshire Farming Talk: Time of year on weather news when 'anything can happen'
As I write, it appears that spring has arrived, and it is warm – about time!

Drilling and re-drilling is going at a pace and would you believe it we have farmers wanting rain.
Be careful what you wish for!
Grain markets have been heading upwards based on dry weather in Russia.
However, a word of caution, we are into the weather news time of year when anything can happen, and it generally does! You would have thought with a projected 10 million tonne crop, a mile short of where we would normally be, that prices would get firmer.
The good news is that input prices look to fall further with new season Fertiliser prices coming out in May sometime, market place chatter suggests that could be £270-ish , although we are dealing with fertiliser manufacturers who can be unpredictable to say the least.
Whilst I don’t want to spread panic, and I know there is quite a bit of winter seed still in stock, but I need to point out that there will be a shortage of winter seed varieties due to you know what.
The really good news is, however, that we are still here to see all this so keep smiling.
by David Roberts, G.O Davies