Shropshire Star

Farming Talk: The latest from the British Grassland Society

The 2024-2025 Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL) for England and Wales have now been released.

Tom Goatman, British Grassland Society

In addition to providing information on each variety, the RGCL supporting information also includes a range of technical information for farmers across Shropshire and beyond on how to manage their reseed and maximise the productivity of their swards.

The RGCL is funded by plant breeders through the British Society of Plant Breeders (BSPB), The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), BGS and Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC).

The 2024-2025 RGCL handbook and the full lists for merchants can be downloaded at

Our 80th British Grassland Society AGM is set to take place this month.

This year the meeting takes at Rothamsted Research, in North Wyke, Devon on Thursday, July 18.

The meeting is open to all BGS Members, Local Grassland Society Members and BGS Corporate Members.

At the AGM the annual rotation of the BGS President will take place.

The current President, Mr Philip Cosgrave, will be succeeded by Mr Graham Parks.

The British Grassland Society has also been holding its summer meetings this week.

Delegates had the opportunity to visit a number of high performing dairy, beef and sheep farms who are optimising grass and forage utilisation in their businesses.

This gives the opportunity for delegates to explore techniques and ideas that could be taken home and incorporated into their own businesses. BGS members and Local Society members will be able to read a full write up in the September edition of the BGS Grass and Forage Manager magazine.

Tom Goatman, British Grassland Society

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