Shropshire Star

Shropshire headquartered Field Studies Council calls for ambitious skills for nature plan

Shropshire environmental education charity is calling on the new Labour Government to develop and implement a clear and ambitious skills for nature plan.

Mark Castle

The Field Studies Council, which has its headquarters near Shrewsbury, says the UK urgently needs people with the skills and knowledge to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.

It says one of the only ways to nurture and future-proof these skills is to ensure that all young people are given the opportunity to experience high-quality fieldwork.

The charity, which operates a national network of dedicated fieldwork centres, is calling on the Government to ensure that it creates an effective National Green Skills for Nature plan.

This, it says should ensure that high quality fieldwork is embedded in the curriculum and residential fieldwork trips are accessible for all learners throughout their time at school, not just for those that can afford it.

The FSC also says the plan should ensure fieldwork required in the curriculum equips learners with the skills and knowledge that they need to flourish in their chosen career or study path.

And it said there should be investment in high quality teacher training and development specifically in fieldwork skills so that teachers can champion fieldwork and its vital place in the curriculum with confidence.

The FSC has been leading the way in residential and day fieldwork trips for those studying biology, geography and other environment-related courses for more than 80 years.

But, it fears the next generation of environmental thinkers and innovators are at risk of not being equipped with the right skills and knowledge because of fieldwork being over-looked in the education curriculum.

Chief Executive Mark Castle said: “Young people need a clear pathway to learn, develop and use their skills in ecology, conservation, land management and habitat management restoration but we are continually being approached by young people who have completed their formal education only to find that they lack the relevant fieldwork skills and experience needed for their next career or study step.

“We are trying to fill the gap for these skills which are so clearly in demand through our subsidised courses and scholarships but our funds only stretch so far.

“What we need to ensure is that all school learners experience regular, high-quality outdoor learning and fieldwork throughout their time at school.

“There isn’t a subject on the curriculum that can’t be enhanced by being outdoors and schools need adequate funding to ensure that outdoor learning isn’t left to chance or ability to pay.

“We need to make sure fieldwork skills in biology and geography remain a core part of the subject and that there is opportunity for students to study in the real, unpredictable world away from the classroom.

“They need time to master how to use scientific equipment and deal with messy data so that they can become critical thinkers and problem-solvers.

“Fieldwork gives us a real opportunity to engage learners and develop the green skills needed to future-proof a sustainable economy but this will only happen if the new Labour Government commits to developing and delivering on an ambitious plan.”

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