Shropshire Star

Bed push helps Shropshire Young Farmers raise £2,450 for charity

The Shropshire Young Farmers' Chairman’s Challenge raised £2450 for charity.

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The Shropshire YFC bed push

County Chairman Max Porter took the challenge of pushing a bed 53 miles from Whitchurch to Ludlow to raise money for Alzheimer's Society and The Sepsis Trust.

Max took on the 53-mile challenge and was joined by the 17 Shropshire YFC clubs and their members along the way for the two-day challenge.

Max said: "We aimed to take the straightest route from top to bottom of the county whilst passing through the centre of Shrewsbury."

Max Porter

"With the bed having an overnight stop at a friendly farmer’s shed just south of Shrewsbury, I made my way on the Saturday evening, stiff as a brick after walking 28 miles to my local club's foam party.

"With a few hours of socialising under my belt, I headed home ready for the final 25 miles through the hiller south of Shropshire before arriving late afternoon at Ludlow Castle accompanied by loads of members of Ludlow YFC and my own club Brown Clee.

"The challenge was great fun meeting with members from the clubs along the way, raising the public's awareness of the great work young farmers do and adding £2500 to the charity pot for my two chosen charities."

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