Shropshire Star

Insights from Bayer Trials Day: New application strategies and promising wheat varieties

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Bayer Trials Day at Callow in Herefordshire.

Owain Roberts, G.O Davies (Westbury) Ltd grain merchants.

Given the challenges we've faced this season, the event was exceptionally informative.

Here is a précis of the highlights.

First and foremost, there has been a significant change in the advice for applying Atlantis.

Previously, the recommendation was to spray once the plant was actively growing.

The new guidance suggests applying Atlantis when the plant is actively metabolizing. This allows for earlier application and the added benefit of targeting a much smaller plant.

In theory, this means there is a higher metabolic rate of the chemical, potentially resulting in better control.

Secondly, the event featured a 51-plot variety trial. While older varieties such as KWS Extase and KWS Dawsum remain strong contenders on farms this year, new varieties are also showing promise.

Bamford from Elsoms, categorised as a Group 3, looks particularly promising.

Additionally, Vibe, a potential miller, could finally bring some excitement to the Group 1 market.

Among future varieties, KWS Equippe and KWS Arnie stood out. Both are high-yielding and come with a robust disease resistance package, making them strong candidates for Group 2 wheats.

Overall, the Bayer Trials Day provided valuable insights that could help us navigate the challenges of the current season more effectively.

Owain Roberts, of G.O Davies (Westbury) Ltd which has been trading in Westbury, west of Shrewsbury for over 60 years

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