Shropshire Star

Nick gears up for World Shearing Record attempt

Staffordshire-based shearer Nick Greaves has been preparing for a World Shearing Record attempt.

Nick Greaves

It will take place on his home farm in Stafford on Saturday, August 3.

An experienced shearer, Nick will be attempting to break the current 8-hour World Lamb Shearing Record, currently held by Jack Fagan of New Zealand who sheared 754 lambs in 2022.

Nick, 29, farms in partnership with his parents, running 1,350 ewes, 500 ewe lambs and 150 cattle. Nick has been contract shearing since he was 16 years old and started going on British Wool courses with Hywel Jones from that age until he was 20. As well as shearing in the UK, Nick has also sheared in New Zealand and Italy throughout his career.

On his upcoming World Record, Nick said: "I did a two stand British record in 2022 with Llyr Jones from Wales, and I set the new single stand record which was beat a week later. I wanted to use my experiences from the record in 2022 as a stepping stone in getting onto the World Record ladder."

On advice to young shearers starting in the industry and who inspired him, Nick added: "Play around with your own gear, trial stuff yourself and work out what works for you. Everyone has a different hand, everyone has a different style. Be yourself, not anyone else.

"Lots from within shearing have inspired me but someone who has believed in me from day one is Pete Chilcott from New Zealand, who always told me I was good enough for a record and never doubted me. Pete gave me confidence when I needed it most and got me through a tally day we did in 2020 in the build-up to the first record. He has taught me the lamb pattern I use today."

On his achievements to date, Nick continued: "My best personal achievement to date would be having a mini-me follow me around the farm all day – Eric is three-and-a-half and is farming and shearing mad. My best shearing achievement would be winning the English National, the Open and Six Nations at this year's Royal Bath and West Show. I had been second in the National twice previously but had never won the National before. It was always a goal in my career after watching Adam Berry win it year after year as I was coming through the grades."

Richard Schofield, Shearing Manager, British Wool said: "Nick is an experienced shearer and has had a successful summer shearing at many shows in recent months. This, alongside Nick's experience a couple of years ago with his previous record, will I'm sure put him in a strong position as he attempts his World Record."

"As a member organisation, British Wool is committed to supporting the next generation, are delighted to be supporting Nick to help him achieve his goals and wish him the best of luck."

Cancer Research UK will be the record attempts nominated charity with fundraising taking place during the day.

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