Shropshire Star

Shropshire Farming Talk: New chairman for Shropshire GWCT

By way of introduction, I have taken the chair of Shropshire branch of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Steve Barker

Firstly, our thanks to Charlotte Marrison who has recently stepped down.

Also thanks to Pippa Hackett, our behind-the-scenes organiser, for everything she does and, I hope will continue to do.

Pippa is GWCT North-West organiser for five counties, so we are particularly lucky that she lives in Shropshire.

Earlier in the summer we enjoyed a fabulous Sunday lunch at Cholmondeley Castle.

This was a joint effort with Cheshire branch and together we raised more than £34,000 for the GWCT.

Why is it important that we raise funds?

To enable the scientific research work which underpins the very existence of our sport.

If you don’t believe me why not attend our next event on September 4, when we will be showing “Last Keeper.”

This is at Brynkinalt Hall, a stunning location, plus food courtesy of Loulou and there will be a bar – not to drown our sorrows after viewing, but to re-boot our resolve to ensure that the sport we love and cherish in the countryside can be appreciated by the next generation too.

We will also be treated to a short presentation from Spike Butcher, Aim to Sustain.

If you would like to join us, better still become a member, if not already, then visit and book your place.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Steve Barker, Shropshire chairman GWCT.

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