Shropshire Star

Shropshire Farming Talk: It's time to champion our Shropshire farmers

With the national spotlight set to shine on the British farming industry I would like to highlight why our public authorities should lead from the front in championing our nation’s farmers

Jane Bassett

The NFU’s annual Back British Farming Day today will see people across the country showing their support for our farmers and the food we produce.

Farmers in Shropshire, the rest of the region and across the country are continuing to face some major challenges.

They include crops being devastated by frequent floods, ongoing issues with rural crime, sharp rises in energy costs, being undercut by trade deals which have allowed in food produced to standards that would be illegal in this country, a lack of supply chain fairness and, as we are sadly seeing right now, the emergence of bluetongue virus.

Some of these issues have led to farmers’ confidence to be at an all-time low, as was revealed by an NFU survey, published in May this year.

But British farmers are resilient and we are working with the NFU to find solutions.

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