Shropshire Star

Eyewitness' picture recalls Shrewsbury Market Hall tragedy of 60 years ago

Landmark buildings and structures across our region are the legacy of the toils of previous generations – but creating them came at a cost.

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Donald Isaac's picture showing a crowd gathering in Claremont Street after the tragedy.

Our recent feature about the building work of yesteryear which today shapes our landscapes and townscapes prompted Donald Isaac to dig out a photo from 60 years ago which underlines that sometimes there was a human toll.

One of the biggest projects ever in Shrewsbury town centre saw the demolition of the old Victorian market hall which had dominated the skyline for almost 100 years and its replacement with the market hall which still stands today.

During the demolition there was a tragedy which claimed the life of one worker and left others injured.

After reading our feature Mr Isaac, who is now 80 and lives in Wilkinson Avenue, Broseley, said: "When you see things that happened 60 years ago that you were working on it brings back memories."

Donald Isaac

His photograph shows the aftermath of the accident which happened on Friday, June 28, 1963.

"I worked as a scaffolder on this market in 1963 when it was being demolished and rebuilt, for a firm called G Percy Trentham of Stoke-on-Trent.