Shropshire Star

Community centre consultation taking place

Residents are being asked how important a Shropshire community centre is to them and their experiences of the current facility.


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Telford & Wrekin Council are asking Sutton Hill residents and relevant organisations as they work with Madeley Town Council to ‘demonstrate to potential funders’ its importance.

Hub on the Hill Community Centre in Sutton Hill has recently been taken over by Madeley Town Council.

The town council state that this happened after the charity running the building ‘decided to step down’.

“Existing groups that use the facilities will continue to be supported, the community café will remain open and the Hub will still be a safe space for local residents to visit and get support if needed,” said the town council in a social media post.

“We want to engage with local residents and partners to gain feedback on what you think about the facility. Your feedback will be used to help support any decision making about its future use.

“However, in order to keep the building open long term it requires significant funding to make essential renovations.

“We need as many comments as possible as this will enable us to demonstrate to funders the importance of the Hub on the Hill for the community of Sutton Hill.”

Telford & Wrekin Council survey states that there is an opportunity to apply for funding to complete required works through the Community Ownership Fund.

It adds that Madeley Town Council is currently working with Telford & Wrekin Council to form an application and as part of the process they want to engage with local residents and partners to gain feedback on what they think about the facility.

“Your feedback will be used to help inform the application and support any decision making about its future use,” the survey states.

“It will be really helpful to get as many comments as possible as this will enable us to demonstrate to funders the importance of the Hub on the Hill for the community of Sutton Hill.”

As part of the survey residents are asked if and why they have previously visited the facility. Also how impressed participants were with the building on their last visit and their overall experience.

Participants are also asked how satisfied with the services provided including Citizens Advice, Learn Telford courses, Job Box, Telford Mind Calm Café, Families in Telford, youth activities, Lunch Club and bingo, healthy lifestyles support, Police pop-up, ward councillor support, Food and Baby Bank, breast feeding support group and Telford Stars.

Survey participants are also asked if there are any services they would find helpful in the future.

Another sections asks how important Hub on the Hill is to them and how important it is that the facility remains open.

Next residents are asked the impact it would have on them or the local community if Hub on the Hill closed.

The survey adds that Hub on the Hill will ‘continue to rely on dedicated community volunteers’ to help contribute to the running of the facility.

Volunteer roles highlighted include front of house, administrative support, helping in the café and supporting youth activities.

Survey participants are asked if they would be willing to volunteer and to leave their details if they are.

Next the survey has an ‘about you’ section which the council says make sure that they are gaining ‘representative views of the local community’ in Sutton Hill.

The survey can be accessed from the Madeley Town Council page on Facebook. Or online at: Hub on the Hill Survey (

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