Shropshire Star

Is this the quirkiest polling station in Shropshire? Historic toll house welcomes back voters

Schools, churches, pubs, cricket clubs - and a historic toll house. Here's a look at what might be the county's quirkiest polling station.

Polling Station at the Tollhouse, Ironbridge. Picture: Phil Blagg Photography

For those casting their votes in Ironbridge, they're lucky enough to have quite the historic venue.

On Thursday, the Iron Bridge Tollhouse was closed to visitors, as the historic site has been used as a polling station since 2010.

The Tollhouse stands at the south end of the Iron Bridge and was likely built in the early 19th century following the bridge's opening in 1781.

The bridge was open to vehicular traffic until 1934 when it was designated a scheduled monument. Tolls for pedestrians were collected until 1950 when the bridge was transferred into public ownership.

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