Huge support as family seek to raise £45k for brain tumour treatment

Bowling club members and supporters turned out in force to raise more than £2,000 towards lifesaving treatment for the daughter of one of their members.

Elaine's family are looking to raise money for treatment in Germany.

More than 40 bowlers took part in a competition at the Wellington Club to raise money to support 44-year-old Elaine Brown, who has been confirmed with stage 4 Glioblastoma, an aggressive cancer.

She has already had craniotomy surgery to remove the tumour and has now started a six-week course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Without the prospect of further treatment Elaine's been given only 12 to 15 months to live.

But there is a glimmer of hope.

Elaine's family are looking to raise money for treatment in Germany.

Her family say there have been encouraging developments in Germany where she can receive immunotherapy via a personalised vaccine.

They have already raised £12,000 which will cover the initial testing process at CeGat, but now need to raise an additional £45,000 for the treatment.

Generous donations from the bowls competition were swelled by sponsorship from Chris Edwards (of MPH Plumbing and Heating Supplies) and James Blair (of Blair Heating Services).

The winners and runner up teams of the in-house competition generously donated their winning prizes to support Elaine.

Elaine’s dad, Alan Hayes, who is a member and plays bowls for the Sir John Bayley Club, said: “It has been such devastating news for Elaine, however our family and increasing circle of friends have rallied around and we will do all we can to give her a chance to live.

“It was overwhelming to see so many join us on Sunday and to receive such personal support and help for Elaine.”

Anyone who wishes to support the fundraising can do so by visiting the Just Giving page.