Mental health on the agenda this month
Health and wellbeing organisations across Shropshire are hosting a series of events and social media messages to offer people ideas on what they could to look after their mental health.
The events form part of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, a national campaign supported by the Mental Health Foundation.
This year’s theme is “Surviving or Thriving” and has been chosen to highlight that good mental health is more than just the absence of a mental health problem. The campaign is designed to make us think about why too few of us are living with good mental health. It seems that a lot of people are struggling to cope with the demands of life.
Shropshire Libraries will be highlighting the Reading Well book collections – Self-help books chosen by health professionals, covering common mental health conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression, eating disorders and self-harm for adults and young people.
On Thursday an event will be held at Whitchurch Library from 12 noon to 2pm. There will be a drop in session with Liz Castle from local holistic healthcare centre, Healing Thyme.
A Yoga and relaxation session will be held at Bridgnorth Library next Monday from 11am-12pm and on Thursday The Lantern, Shrewsbury will be holding a mental health social work event.
Visitors will get a chance to see how the social work team will be providing services across the county. Professionals and people who use or are interested in mental health services will be able to chat to the teams. Refreshments and cakes will be available.
Throughout the week South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will be also be promoting their self-help guidance via social media. For more information visit
Shropshire’s mental health services is also appearing in Shropshire Healthwatch’s ‘Hot Topic’ for May and June. The independent health and social care champion, is asking residents to tell them their experiences around accessing and using mental health services across Shropshire. People can express their views by calling 01743 237884, by email or online at
Mental Health is one of the key priorities for Shropshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board which comprises of health and social care partners from Shropshire Council, CCG, NHS and the voluntary and community sector.
Andy Begley, director of adult services and member of Shropshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board said: “Instead of focusing on why so many people are living with mental health problems, this year the campaign highlights why so few of us are thriving with good mental health.
“Our mental wellbeing can be affected by a range of factors in our daily lives. These events will offer you simple ideas on what steps you might take to look after your mental health, helping you build resilience to cope with the demands of life."