Whitchurch care home praised by inspectors
A care home has been rated as good in all areas following an inspection by government officials.
Cloverfields Care Home, on Chester Road, Whitchurch, was found to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led when inspectors from the Care Quality Commission visited in April.
They were told that people were supported by enough staff to safely meet their needs and staff were well-trained.
In their report the inspectors said: "People received care from staff that had the skills and knowledge to meet their needs.
“New staff members received an induction to their role and were equipped with the skills they needed to work with people. Staff attended training that was relevant to the people they supported.
“People had positive and caring relationships with the staff members who supported them. People and staff felt able to express their views and felt their opinions mattered.
“People’s likes and dislikes were known by staff who assisted them in a way which was personal to them.
“People were involved in decisions about their day to day care and had care plans which were individual to them. Care plans contained people’s likes, dislikes and personal histories.
“Staff had a good knowledge of the people they supported. People and staff had positive relationships. People took part in activities they liked and found stimulating.”
At the care home’s last inspection on May 12 and 16 last year, inspectors identified five areas where the care home was not meeting the requirements of the law.
The report states: “Previously there were not enough staff on duty to meet people's needs and this compromised their safety. There was not enough staff available to ensure people ate and drank sufficient amounts.
“People did not receive support or assistance in a timely manner.
“The provider did not have sufficient systems in place to resolve people’s concerns. Quality checks were not robust enough to ensure people received a good level of care.”
However, following the latest inspection in April this year, CQC officials said the home has shown significant improvement and is now rated as good in all areas.
Darran Bolas, newly appointed registered manager, said: “I stood with the staff to enforce change – they always knew change was needed.
“Staff never had a voice to make it happen and be heard – I simply created leadership with new floor managers Ange Bailey and Helen Jakeman.
“I became the ears of the home and directed with guidance, kept in focus the requirement previously set by Care Quality Commission and got stuck into change.
“The home have received new care plans, redecorating, staff supervision for development and revised policy and procedures.
“Staff have also enrolled in their QCF training for health and social care at levels two, three and five, nurses are measured for competency and clinical decisions and most importantly you are welcomed with our infectious smile and your best interests at heart.”