Future Fit: Respect plea over health consultation
Campaigners have made some people uncomfortable expressing views on the county's health services, according to the chief executive of Shropshire's major hospitals.

Simon Wright, chief executive of Shrewsbury & Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, was speaking after health service officials claimed two pop up consultation events had been disrupted by campaigners earlier this week.
He said: "I think it is important that there is a balance and a level of respect in any discussions about the future, and what there cannot be is any sense of silencing people or making them feel frightened or nervous to speak, and it is not the first time people have suggested to me they feel uncomfortable raising their concerns in the presence of people from that particular pressure group so I just think they need to be careful.
"It is quite right they scrutinise what we do and ask appropriate questions but they need to make sure they do that in a respectful way and I am sure they will."
Earlier this week Shropshire Defend Our NHS, which was accused of the disruption, said it was opposed to intimidation and had left "amicably" as soon as asked.