Shropshire Star

Record number for organ donations

Nine people from Shropshire have become deceased organ donors over the last year.


More and more families in the area are supporting donation and there has been an increase in donors in Shropshire over the last decade.

NHS Blood and Transplant has released the figures to mark the publication of its annual transplant activity report.

The report reveals there is growing support for organ donation in Shropshire and around the country. Nationally, there was a record number of organ donors, with 1,574 people saving lives through deceased organ donation over the last year.

However the overall shortage of donors remains and there is an urgent need for more people to support donation.

Around three people die a day in need of a donated organ but many people have never told their relatives they want to save lives.

There are still 30 people from Shropshire on the transplant waiting list and a donated organ is the last and only hope for many people on the list.

Sally Johnson, director of organ donation and transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to all the families in Shropshire who have chosen to say ‘yes’ to organ donation.

“Organ donation is the only hope for many desperately ill people.

“We know many families feel a sense of pride and comfort from their decision to save lives through organ donation. We want more people to have that opportunity.”

The annual report also demonstrates how the ageing population means the average age of potential donors is increasing. The average age of donors in Shropshire during 2017 was 53.

Anyone can join the NHS Organ Donor Register, age and medical conditions are not necessarily a barrier to donation.

Ms Johnson said: “We need more people aged over 50 in Shropshire to support donation.”

Join the NHS Organ Donor Register at