Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury widow to run Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon in memory of husband

A Shrewsbury woman who lost her husband to cancer is running a half marathon in his memory.

Laura, pictured to the right of her husband Paul, while fundraising for the London Marathon.

Laura Morris, 29, has signed up to the event in Lake Vyrnwy, which takes place on September 9.

The mother-of-four has taken up running since her husband Paul died in March before fulfilling his dream of completing the London Marathon.

Paul, 36, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer in 2017 but was determined to still run the race.

He died just weeks before the event, leaving behind twins Melody and Alexis, Arthur and Adelaide.

Laura said: "There are about eight of us running it to raise money for Hope House and Severn Hospice.

"The staff at Hope House were fantastic when Paul died. They did some counselling for my two eldest girls which helped them talk about their daddy.

"Then we chose Severn Hospice because Paul always wanted to raise money for them. When he became ill he thought at some point they might have to look after him.

"He never did have to go in, because 24 hours before he died he seemed to be fine, but they did come to see us regularly for check-up visits."

She will be joined by a team of friends, nicknamed Team Moz, who hope to raise about £1,000.


But Laura admitted training for the event is difficult without having her husband around.

"It's really hard trying to fit training in with four kids, especially when its the summer holidays, and without Paul," she said.

"I have to find someone to come and look after them so I can squeeze a run in and it's difficult. But as long as I cross the finish line, that's all that matters to me."

She also revealed the final total from London Marathon fundraising is £19,517.

Paul's friends ran the 26.2-mile race in his memory and the money will be split between Severn Hospice, Tenovus Cancer Care, Sense and YHA.

Laura added: "It's such a massive amount of money. Paul would be so proud. I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has shown their support. It means so much to us all."

To sponsor Team Moz visit