Shropshire Star

Offers of help roll in after Telford hospital DIY SOS appeal

Builders, plasterers and electricians have answered the call to help renovate three buildings into homes for doctors at Princess Royal Hospital.

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Telford & Wrekin Council leader Shaun Davies with staff and doctors at the houses due to be refurbished at Princess Royal Hospital

The DIY SOS appeal was made by Telford & Wrekin Council leader Shaun Davies in a bid to resolve the hospital's staffing crisis.

A lack of medics has been given as the main reason the PRH’s A&E may have to close overnight.

In his appeal Mr Davies said if doctors could be offered free accommodation it would help attract new medics to join the team in Telford.

Health bosses are working towards bringing in the temporary closure from December 5 unless extra middle grade doctors and nurses can be found.

'Unique selling point'

Tom Allman, emergency department junior doctor at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, believes offering free accommodation to new recruits will make a big difference.

He said: “The offer of free accommodation would make a huge difference attracting doctors to Telford.

"It can be very difficult finding a place in a new area with relatively short notice.

Inside one of the homes which will be refurbished

"Hospital accommodation would really help during the already stressful time that is moving area and starting a new job.

"It would be a real unique selling point. Doctors often leave university with up to £100,000 pounds worth of debt and the chance to save some money would really help.

"I get it when people say we're well paid.

"But when you're in your 20s with that size of debt this could really help.

Inside one of the homes which will be refurbished

"Living on site would be brilliant. Every year doctors are hurt driving home after night shifts. Being able to walk home would be amazing.

"There is a real buzz amongst the doctors, we really appreciate the community getting together.”


Councillor Davies said since he had appealed to businesses, there had been nearly 20 offers of help.

He said: "They include donations of money and furniture, painting and decorating and electrical and plastering work.

"The response has been fantastic. Thank you to everyone who has offered their support so far.

Inside one of the homes which will be refurbished

"It shows our collective strength of feeling for our hospital and our desire to do all we can to protect a health service we all hold so dear."

He said the council was now working with medical staff and SaTH on the finer detail of the work that needs to be done.

Dr Chris Mowatt, consultant anaesthetist in intensive care and year one foundation doctor programme director, said it was great that local politicians and the hospitals are working together in a positive and engaging way.

He added: "Having refurbished accommodation that is free would be a real attraction, but this is not just about the accommodation, it’s also the message that it sends out: ‘look how much our community cares’.”

SaTH says it needs seven extra middle grade doctors and 15 A&E nurses to ensure two A&E units can operate 24 hours a day in the 'short-term'.

Anyone else who can help is asked to email

The properties could house up to 12 people.