Shropshire Star

'Good' rating for two Shropshire care homes

Two care homes in Shropshire have been rated 'good' across the board by health inspectors.

Elmhurst Nursing Home in Prees

Elmhurst Nursing Home in Prees, near Whitchurch, and Meadowbrook Care Home, in Gobowen, received the rating from the Care Quality Commission following recent inspections.

Inspectors said people at Elmhurst Nursing Home were cared for by staff who were 'kind and compassionate'.

A report, published following the inspection in March, says the atmosphere within the nursing home was friendly and welcoming and people had their privacy respected.

People were described as 'safe' and there were 'robust recruitment checks' for staff, inspectors said.

The report said: "The home was being refurbished and people were very positive about the changes taking place.

"People’s and staff comments included, 'It’s like a hotel', 'It’s a pleasure to work here' and 'I love coming to work'."

Inspectors said staff had a good understanding and knowledge of people’s care and support needs, and received the training and support they needed.

The report continued: "Risk assessments were in place which identified current risks to people as well as ways to reduce those risks.

"There was an open culture of learning when things go wrong. Staff worked well with other agencies to ensure people received appropriate care."

At Meadowbrook Care Home, inspectors said that people overall were satisfied with the quality of the service provided.

A report, which has been published this month following the inspection in February, said risks to people were monitored and procedures were in place to help keep people safe.

Inspectors said people had 'opportunities for social stimulation' and were confident that complaints would be addressed.

They said people's healthcare needs were monitored and understood by staff.

Quality checks and audits were also in place to ensure improvements were being made within the service.

The report said: "Staff understood the importance of ensuring people's rights were understood and protected.

"People told us staff understood their needs and were kind, caring and compassionate."

Meadowbrook Care Home, in Twmpath Lane, was previously rated as 'requires improvement' after an inspection in December 2017.

Following their most recent inspections, both care homes received 'good' ratings for being safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.

At the time Meadowbrook was inspected it was caring for 44 people, while 22 people were being cared for at Elmhurst Nursing Home in Armoury Lane.