Probe launched into GP provision across Shropshire
A health committee has agreed to investigate GP surgery provision in Shropshire, after hearing some practices are shrinking their catchment areas to limit their intake of new patients.
Dennis Cheese, one of 3,000 patients at the Whitehall Medical Practice in Shrewsbury, has compiled a 600-name petition against its closure.
He told the Shropshire Council Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee that they had until October to register elsewhere or be 'dispersed around town', but added that some Shrewsbury surgeries were only accepting five new patients a day.
Whitehall GP Nigel Leaver said the Monkmoor Road practice was 'contracting its boundaries' to keep lists down, and committee vice-chairwoman Madge Shineton said the same thing was happening in rural areas.
Mr Cheese said: “The CCG has decided it is going to disperse 3,000 patients to various surgeries around town.
“We’re also told, if we haven’t found a surgery by October 1, they are going to find one for us at a place that could be anywhere in Shropshire. We can’t afford to lose surgeries, the way Shrewsbury is growing at the moment with houses.
“It’s ridiculous. I’ve got a petition of 600 signatures. We’ve got massive support.”
Dr Leaver said: “What the practice is doing, because they are full, is contracting their practice boundaries.
“They aren’t allowed to close their lists, so it’s a way of keeping lists down.”
Underdale councillor David Vasmer wrote to the committee in advance, asking it to add an investigation into GP service provision to its 2019-2020 work schedule which the committee agreed to do.
"There is a growing concern about the lack of GP surgeries, in Shrewsbury in particular, where it seems that all the existing surgeries are full or nearly full,” he said.
Dr Leaver said he was planning to stay in full-time work and was looking at positions in other practices, but said his colleagues were either considering going part-time or retiring altogether.
Committee member councillor Simon Harris, who represents Broseley, said: “A doctor looking for a job? Really? We’re screaming out for doctors, and we’ve got one here looking for a job.”
He said a surgery in his ward had asked for permission from Shropshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group to expand, but this was turned down.
The committee agreed to send investigate the provision of GP services, and write to Shropshire CCG and other organisations inviting them to take part.