Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury nurses raise more than £1,200 in memory of patient

Two senior dialysis assistants at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital have raised over £1,200 for charity in memory of a dialysis patient who died earlier this year.

Hugh Regan

Allison Anderson and Rachel Evans, who have worked at RSH for a combined 35 years, took on the Market Drayton 10K in May in memory of Hugh Regan who was a renal patient at the hospital for 24 years until his death in January.

The pair ran in aid of the Shropshire and Mid Wales Kidney Patients’ Association (KPA),

Rachel, who also delivered a eulogy at Hugh’s funeral, said: “I knew Hugh for two decades and, to all of us at the Dialysis Unit, he was more than a patient. In didn’t matter who you were, Hugh took an interest in everyone and everything and was part of all of our lives.

“You couldn’t not love him; he had a great personality and just took everything in his stride.”

Allison said: “We see the same patients a number of times a week, often over the course of many years, and they become like family to us.

“When Hugh died he left such a big hole in all of our lives that we wanted to remember him in a fitting way, and raising money for the KPA seemed like the perfect way to do that.”

Hugh’s sister, Patricia Downes, said: “Our family feel honoured that Rachel and Allison wanted to run the 10K in Hughie’s memory. It has reinforced what a special man he was, and for 24 years the dedication and care the renal unit gave Hugh enhanced his life.

“We know the money raised will help make those hours spent on a dialysis machine more bearable. Our family cannot express their gratitude enough as it allowed us to keep Hughie for so many more valuable years.”

Barbara Soden, chairwoman on the KPA and a dialysis patient herself, said: “It is so brilliant that Allison and Rachel have chosen to honour Hugh in this way. The money they have raised is not only a fantastic tribute to him, but means his legacy will be of huge benefit to our patients.”