Shropshire Star

Brexit fears for care homes

A no deal Brexit would be a “catastrophe” for vulnerable people needing care and lead to more care home closures and the collapse of domiciliary care companies in Powys, an industry leader has warned.

Last updated
Mario Kreft

Mario Kreft MBE, the Chair of Care Forum Wales, said that a number of care homes that are already struggling and on the brink of closure would be tipped over the edge by the New Year.

He said: “It would have a devastating impact on the most vulnerable people in our society.”

Mr Kreft made the comments in response to the leaked UK Government documents of Operation Yellowhammer.

The document states: “An increase in inflation following EU exit would significantly impact adult social care providers due to increasing staff and supply costs, and may lead to provider failure, with smaller providers impacted within two-three months and large providers four-six months after exit.”

Mr Kreft said: “We’re heading towards a Brexit perfect storm, and the people who are going to suffer here are the most vulnerable people in Powys.

“A number of care homes are on the brink already and have very tight margins because fees are so low. A no deal Brexit will push some over the edge.

“What we’re really seeing now is the potential for a major shakeout of the industry.

“We’re going to see the cost of care going up because the cost of supplies would increase sharply in the event of a no deal Brexit.

“It is a very serious state of affairs because in recent years care homes have been closing already across Wales due to chronic underfunding. We’ve lost thousands of beds in recent years and the projection is to lose many more.

“We’ve had three years of uncertainty and we’ve seen may people return to the eastern European countries and we are no longer able to recruit nurses and other care staff from Europe.

“People are not attracted to coming here anymore, and a lot of people in Wales are not maybe interested in the job or it’s not for them."