Shropshire Star

Generous Shropshire folk donate unwanted medical supplies to charity

A charity group that collects unused medical supplies to distribute to developing countries has been inundated with donations from people across Shropshire.

Rachael Griffiths from The Friends of Rotary and Stephen Venezia pictured with volunteers and the donations they have received from across Shropshire

The Friends of Rotary Shrewsbury have been collecting unused medical supplies such as bandages, dressings, thermometers, unused stoma bags, hearing aids and even spectacles.

They are a newly-formed branch of the Rotary Club Shrewsbury and will gather donations to send to the Jacob's Well Appeal, which will then distribute the products to people in need across the world.

Rachael Griffiths, President of the Rotary Club, said: "We cannot really believe it. We have collected so much so far and it just shows how much waste there is.

"People have this stuff knocking around their house, it could be because they've recently lost a loved one or because they were ill themselves. So it gives people the opportunity to have some closure on situations as well.

"Most of the medical supplies can't be returned to the NHS and people don't want to put the stuff in the bin so they need somewhere they can donate it.


"We have facilitated about 13 donations so far and have eight more to arrange. It's been really nice to meet lots of people and listen to their stories about why they might have lots of supplies. Some people are a bit lonely so they enjoy having a friendly face pop over for a chat.

"We are really humbled by the response we've had. In only a couple of days since our initial advertising of what we do, we've had so many donations. Hopefully this will generate even more."

The group have received donations from all over Shropshire, including Market Drayton, Whitchurch and even Welshpool.

Rachael said it has been amazing. Their plan now is to get enough donations to take up to Jacob's Well.

She said: "Our plan is to have a van load of donations and we will drive it up to Beverley where the Jacob's Well Appeal will then distribute. Hopefully we will have our first trip up there next month.

Some of the donations have been really valuable. We had one donation of 100 nutrition drinks which are probably worth about £600 all together. It's really exciting."

To donate or volunteer, get in touch with Rachael on 07903 863032 or Sandra on 01939 260151.