Shropshire Star

Shropshire hospital staff encouraged to get some Headspace

Staff at Shropshire’s specialist orthopaedic hospital are being encouraged to look after their physical and mental health – with free access to a dedicated mindfulness app.

Julie Newton, sister, and Jack Titley, senior physiotherapist, using Headspace

The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, near Oswestry, has bought a number of subscriptions for Headspace and encouraged staff to register to start using them.

Mindfulness is a technique used to help people pay attention to the present moment, using techniques such as meditation, breathing and yoga.

It is scientifically proven to improve physical and mental health.

The Headspace app provides sessions of guided meditation to its registered users with the goal of achieving mindfulness.

Sarah Sheppard, director of people at the hospital, said: “We understand that caring for the mental wellbeing of our staff is just as important as caring for their physical health so we’re delighted to be able to support this through the Headspace app.

“Life can be busy and stressful for us all and Headspace gives staff the opportunity to change their relationship with anxiety and stress at work and at home.”

The app was introduced as part of the Our Wellbeing campaign which supports the physical and mental health of staff and the trust’s mission to care for staff.


Jack Titley, senior physiotherapist on the dedicated children’s ward at the hospital, is just one member of staff who has signed up to use the app.

He said: “I’ve actually used Headspace personally for a little while now and have found it really useful, especially to help me unwind and get to sleep.

“When I’ve had a lot of thoughts running through my head, which has resulted in me struggling to get to sleep, I’ve found the sleep meditation on the app brilliant. It’s really worked for me.

“Headspace also has a section for children too, which I sometimes recommend to the parents of my patients, and I think many parents have found it to be an extremely valuable tool for them and their child.”

Since the initial launch, over 80 members of staff have signed up to use the app.

Jack added: “I think it’s fantastic that the trust is offering Headspace to staff, particularly at a time when the discussion around mental health is so prevalent.

“It’s a really good way that the trust is caring for staff and supporting their mental wellbeing and I would definitely encourage other members of staff to sign up.”

Sarah added: “I’m delighted so many of our staff have taken up the offering of Headspace – it’s an extremely valuable tool that I’m sure will help many people.”