Shropshire Star

£5 million Shropshire sexual health contract up for grabs

Firms are being sought to take on a £5 million contract to deliver sexual health services in Shropshire.


Shropshire Council said it is seeking tenders for the delivery of its community-based sexual health services, which it says includes “prevention, three levels of sexual health and contraception services and a digital offer.”

The winning firm will deliver a five-year service from 2020, with the option of expanding for a further two years.

The value of the contract is listed on the council’s website as £5,180,000.

The service is being offered as four lots, but can be taken on wholly by one firm, the council says.

The tender document says: “The focus of service delivery will be prevention and self-management in order to create positive health outcomes for the community it serves.

“Applicants should note that it is considered that the employee transfer of undertakings regulations may apply to this contract.

“Applicants are advised to seek their own legal advice about the practicality of these regulations.

“The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs).

“However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.”


Meanwhile, the council is also advertising for a 12-month contract worth £36,000 for an independent 'regulation 44' visiting service.

This would see the successful applicant inspect at least three council-run children’s homes with potential to increase to up to six homes.

The tender says: “Under Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015, regulation 44 requires that children’s homes need to be visited by an independent person at least once a month, to establish whether children are effectively safeguarded; and the conduct of the home promotes children’s wellbeing.

“The completion of Regulation 44 visits enables the registered manager to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework and ensures adequate preparation is given for future regulatory inspections.”

It added: “While six homes are identified (three current and three in development), it is anticipated that we will require monthly visits for up to five homes during 2020 as development is in early stages for the remaining provision.

“The independent professional will need to be suitably qualified (Level 5 diploma in leadership and management for residential childcare or equivalent) with experience of such visits.

“The professional will also need to have a working knowledge, understanding and experience of the Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015.”

Interested parties can apply by visiting, with applications needed to be completed by October 31.

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