Shropshire Star

Shropshire hospital team leader honoured as 'health hero'

A team leader who has shone after stepping up into a new role with added responsibility has been named the latest Health Hero Award winner at Shropshire's specialist orthopaedic hospital.

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Ben Carter, access team leader, receiving the Health Hero Award from Mark Brandreth, chief executive, with colleagues from the access team

Ben Carter, access team leader, is the latest member of staff at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, near Oswestry, to receive the monthly accolade after he was nominated by Alyson Jordan, head of patient access services.

Alyson said: “Ben has recently stepped up within the outpatients access team to operationally manage and support the supervisors and booking clerks within the team, whilst their team leader is on secondment elsewhere in the trust.

“He approaches every query or complaint with a smile on his face and is thorough in all his investigations, as well being instrumental in ensuring all outpatient clinics are fully booked.

“He manages the team in a pleasant and professional manner and deserves to be recognised for his hard work.”

Ben was presented his award by Mark Brandreth, chief executive, where he received a special badge and certificate as well as a box of fresh fruit and vegetables, donated by Box of Goodness.

Ben said: “I’m overwhelmed to find out that I’m this month’s winner of the Health Hero Award – it really means a lot to me and it’s great to know that the hard work of the access team doesn’t go unnoticed.

“I feel very lucky to work in a team who have encouraged and supported me since I started my new role. I always receive great support from the supervisors and booking clerks and without their hard work and dedication; we wouldn’t be able to achieve our targets.

“I’d like to thank Alyson for nominating me and also giving me the opportunity to take on this role and the extra responsibility. The recognition I’ve received is much appreciated.”

Mr Brandreth said: “Teams like access often work under the radar with little appreciation for the involvement they have on our day-to-day operations, when in reality; we would struggle to function without them.

“I am delighted to present Ben with this month’s Health Hero Award – he’s a very worthy recipient.”