Shropshire Star

Shropshire hospitals trust maintains 'inadequate' rating after recent inspections

The trust running Shropshire's two major hospitals continues to be rated 'inadequate' by a health watchdog following recent inspections.

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Telford's Princess Royal Hospital and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Telford's Princess Royal Hospital, was given the lowest rating by the Care Quality Commission and placed in special measures in 2018.

Inspectors revisited the hospitals between November last year and January, and a newly published report shows the overall rating has not changed, but some areas have got worse.

The trust maintained its 'inadequate' rating for the safety of services and leadership.

However, it has now been rated as 'inadequate' for being effective and responsive, with those areas previously marked as 'requires improvement'.

It was also rated 'good' for whether services were caring in 2018, but this has fallen to 'requires improvement'.

Its emergency departments were also inspected in February, in response to concerns raised with the CQC, and both have been rated 'inadequate'.

The CQC’s chief inspector of hospitals, Professor Ted Baker, said: “The fact that this trust’s rating remains inadequate reflects the fact that our inspections found a number of areas where improvements needed to happen as a matter of urgency, particularly in emergency care and medicine.

"Our most recent inspection triggered a system response to ensure the trust received additional support from local system partners.

"We’ve seen some evidence that this support, combined with the fact that the trust has a new leadership team in place who are aware of the urgent work that needs to be done, is resulting in some very early signs of improvement.


"It is crucial that the momentum of this work and the support given by system partners is not lost as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic; these urgent improvements will provide the very safeguards which will help to ensure the trust is able to keep people safe during this period of extraordinary pressure."

He said the rating for maternity services remained at requires improvement, but the inspection team noted ongoing progress, and also found improvements to outpatients’ services, with both departments demonstrating several areas of good practice.

Chief executive Louise Barnett, who joined SaTH in February, said the trust was already well-sighted on the issues raised and know the improvements that need to be made.

"We welcome the feedback from the CQC and we will build on this to make the sustainable changes needed to ensure the consistent delivery of safe, high-quality care that the people of Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Mid Wales deserve," she said.

“The trust faces significant challenges, however since joining SaTH I have met some really inspiring people and have seen first-hand examples of excellent work from individuals and teams who are passionate about what they do and the care they provide. It is going to take time but we are absolutely determined to get this right for our patients, their families and our staff.”

In maternity, the service is now graded as being ‘good’ for caring, effectiveness and responsiveness.

Ms Barnett said: "A huge amount of work has been done to get to where we are now, however we recognise there is more to do and we are working hard to address the outstanding areas of concern to ensure all of our women and their families receive the very best possible care.


"These learnings will help us to drive further changes across the organisation.”

She said staff were being supported through strengthened leadership, training and development, and further recruitment.

Ms Barnett added: “Clearly we need to improve. However, it is important that we do not lose sight of the things we do well.

"We are currently dealing with a global pandemic and a national emergency.

"The challenges being faced across the country, and here in Shropshire, are significant. None of us have ever faced anything like this.

“Teams right across our trust are working incredibly hard to ensure we are prepared and that our patients are well cared for.

"This is only possible because of the incredible commitment and professionalism being shown by our 6,000 members of staff and our volunteers who support them every day.

"I would like to personally recognise and thank our staff for their amazing commitment and the way in which they are pulling together, and I am sure by continuing to work together we can make the improvements required for all our patients and families.”

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