Shropshire Star

New campaign launches to recruit Shropshire carers

A new campaign has been launched to encourage more local heroes to fill vital key caring vacancies across Shropshire.


Shropshire Partners in Care (SPiC) has announced the launch of the campaign, Now’s the time to care.

It is in response to an urgent requirement in the local care sector, to make sure that those who are some of the most vulnerable in our communities get the care and support they need, particularly at this very difficult time.

Roles such as cooks, cleaners and carers are all urgently required in care organisations throughout the county.

Nicky Jacques, chief officer of Shropshire Partners in Care, said: “We all know and understand the herculean efforts that people are making at the moment to keep them and their families safe during these unprecedented times, and this is amazing.

"However, there are still people in our towns and villages across Shropshire that need even more help, care and support.

“We are encouraging people who have skills in hospitality, catering, child care and similar industries to join the care sector and to help care for those that need it most, at a time that they need it most.”

Commenting about the need for more carers across Shropshire, Amy Davidson of Salopian Care, said: “At this difficult and challenging time it is crucial that the elderly and vulnerable people living in their own homes in our communities are cared for safely and efficiently, whilst also protecting our valuable teams of care staff who are committed to supporting them.

“The need for people who have a caring nature and a few hours to spare each day or week who are willing to join and support the care sector in providing this worthwhile service to our communities has never been greater.

“Your time and help would be greatly appreciated.”

There are a range of vacancies that are currently available across Shropshire and anyone who is interested in joining a challenging but highly rewarding industry should search for the Shropshire Partners in Care Facebook page, where all local care jobs can be found in one place.

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