Volunteers wanted to make sure Shropshire patients' views are heard
Patients still have the chance to register their interest in joining a new committee which aims to ensure people’s voices are heard on matters involving health services.
The responsibility for planning and purchasing services currently falls to Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
From next month a single commissioning group covering the whole county will be created.
Part of the CCG’s work is to ensure people from all over the county are heard and that views, priorities and concerns are taken into account when planning services.
The new CCG is forming an assuring involvement committee (AIC) and is calling for volunteers to get involved. The committee will play a key role in making sure that the CCG seeks out people’s views.
People interested in being a member of the committee should have an understanding of the area’s diverse groups, including people with different backgrounds and lifestyles.
No medical background or knowledge is required and full training will be given to committee members.
Members of the AIC should be able to volunteer about four hours per month of their time.
They need to be able to attend up to eight meetings per year, but these are being held virtually at present so they would require suitable IT facilities.
If you are interested, full details are in the information pack at bit.ly/GetInvolvedNHSTelford or bit.ly/GetInvolvedNHSShropshire, or for an informal discussion email Shrccg.communicationsteam@nhs.net to arrange a call.
The deadline for registering an interest is 5pm on April 7.