Shropshire Star

Telford pupils help design brand new logos for county's mental health support team

Telford pupils have helped to come up with new logos for the county's mental health support team.

Last updated
Logo winner Cole Jones

The BeeU mental health support team supports 50 primary and secondary schools across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.

The team aims to promote the early detection and prevention of mental health problems, and strengthen links between schools and mental health services.

The giraffe logo

Specially trained education mental health practitioners work closely with the designated mental health lead for each of the schools, as well as other key school staff, to help support those pupils who may be experiencing emotional or mental health distress.

Baljit Nhal, mental health support team manager, said: “As a team we are keen to ensure that we involve children and young people in the delivery and design of our service and thought it would be great to get them to help us create our brand new logos.

“Our primary winning entry was designed by Cole Jones, a year four pupil from Sir Alexandra Fleming School, Telford, who loves drawing.

Libby Hewlett

"The team loved his giraffe and the helpful words he had included within the design, which we feel will give young people an understanding of the importance of noticing and acknowledging feelings.

"Libby Hewlett, a year eight pupil from Madeley Academy in Telford, was our secondary school winning entry.

"The team felt that Libby’s design captured what we aim to do, in helping young people look after their minds.

The brain logo

"Libby’s design was inspired by her understanding of how people’s mental health affects their minds. She involved her mother and nan in designing the logo, a true team effort.

"The team will now be using these logos on all their paperwork, leaflets and website, thanks to Cole and Libby."

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