New medical practice to be built in Shifnal as plans approved
Work will soon begin on the construction of a new medical centre after the plans were given the green light.

Health leaders say a larger surgery is needed in Shifnal to replace the existing practice in Shrewsbury Road, due to the rapidly expanding population of the town.
Designs for the new centre, on the junction of Haughton Road and Newport Road, were lodged with Shropshire Council just three months ago and have now been granted approval by planning officers.
The project has been backed by the town’s Shropshire councillors, town council, campaign groups and Wrekin MP Mark Pritchard.
A report by planning officer Richard Fortune says there will be “substantial public benefits” from the scheme, which will address “long-recognised inadequacies” in the town’s current health provision.
The surgery will employ 22 full-time equivalent staff including nine doctors, and will serve around 10,700 registered patients – a figure that is expected to rise by up to 7,000 over the next decade.
To accommodate the anticipated increase in patient numbers as a result of planned development around the town, extra ‘expansion space’ on the ground floor has been included in the plans for potential future growth.

The site will be accessed off Haughton Road and will be served by a 58-space car park and cycle parking for up to 10 bikes.
The building will be as close to self-sufficient as possible, powered by solar panels mounted to the roof.
Mr Fortune’s report says: “There is no in-principle planning policy objection to this proposal.
“The building composition, detailing and the materials proposed would be a satisfactory blend of the modern and traditional, and would achieve a structure with high sustainability credentials in terms of energy usage. It would be visually attractive and distinctive and appropriate to the setting.
“There are substantial public benefits in securing a new medical centre for the Shifnal area given the long recognised inadequacies of the existing medical practice premises in the town.
“The proposals would not have a material impact on the safety or operation of the local road network.
“The quantity of parking is judged to be sufficient to ensure that patient parking would not overflow onto the adjacent highway with the appointments systems usually operated by medical practices. The travel plan would also encourage non-car use to access the facility.
“There would be no significant impact on residential amenity in terms of privacy, disturbance or overbearing effects.”
Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said earlier this year that it was hoped work would start on-site before Christmas