Shropshire Star

Older people delighted as Elevate classes boost fitness and wellbeing

They say that 60 is the new 40 - well I can assure you that's not the case, writes Sue Austin.

Taking part in a fitness class are Chris Ball, left and Rob Evans, right, with fitness instructor Dan Lewis, at Shrewsbury Baptist Church

I embraced my 40s and 50s but hitting 60, suddenly everything started to creak. I started using the bannister to help me go upstairs - and my albeit slow running turned to plodding.

I'm lucky that, for me, I am still fit and well.

But many, many people find that their health is not what it was as they move into the next decade.

Now a county-wide programme is helping people aged 60 and above to regain and retain their physical health, which in turn is helping their mental and emotional wellbeing.

'Elevate' strength and balance classes, run by Energize Active Partnership, can be found in towns and villages across Shropshire.

They are aimed at people aged 60+ who feel a bit unsteady on their feet or have lost strength, or confidence. They may feel a bit off balance, or at risk of a fall.

The classes are delivered by experienced instructors trained by ‘Later Life Training’ in postural stability instruction. And they ensure that all abilities can take part, with many of the exercises able to be done seated or standing.

Instructor, Dan Lewis, who leads a class at Crowmere Baptist Church in Shrewsbury, said the classes were designed to be safe, beneficial and most of all enjoyable.

And he said that, while the cost per class is normally £5 per session, for Shropshire Council residents they have been halved to £2.50 from October 2022 to March 31.

Rob Evans, right, with fitness instructor Dan Lewis

"We are aware that people may be concerned about their finances with the increased cost of living, so we have halved the cost," he said.

Christina Morgan the Live Longer Better manager at Energize said there were many reasons why people could lose their strength and balance.

"Research shows that one in three people over the age of 65 will have a fall, with that figure rising to one in two over the age of 80," she said.

"It may be that they have been immobile, maybe spent time in hospital or on bed rest, and have lost muscle mass. They may be on medication which can affect their balance or have blood pressure problems. And from the age of 30 all of us lose three to eight per cent of muscle mass every decade."

Christina said lockdown had had a huge affect on people's physical and emotional health.

"We have noticed an enormous drop in older people's physical condition because they were not going out during lockdown. They were not going shopping, walking to post a letter or socialising and as well as their physical condition, they have lost confidence about going out."

However the Elevate classes have already seen individuals make huge difference to their health.

Christina said: "People have told us that, within a few weeks of joining the classes, they have been able to enjoy doing their garden again, or go out to the shops. Or they may simply be able to get out of their chair themselves.

"Socially, they say they also gain confidence. They may come in knowing no-one. However they will soon be talking to other people in the group and friendships are made."

Classes can be found in Shrewsbury, Bayston Hill, Ellesmere, Whittington, St Martins, Oswestry, Ludlow, Whitchurch, Prees, Church Stretton, Bridgnorth and Bomere Heath.

Many people are referred to the classes, however people can self refer after checking if they fit the criteria.

"To self-refer please visit our website for an electronic version of our referral form which can be completed online at or contact us on 07852 871589 or email,," Christina said.

As for me, I have taken many of the exercises on board myself and I'm trying really hard to remember to do my balances when cleaning my teeth and boiling the kettle, and get out of the chair without using my hands!

Chris and Rob say Elevate has changed their lives

Two of the participants in the Elevate classes at the Crowmere Baptist Church in Shrewsbury say the help that they have had has already changed their lives.

Chris Ball, liked nothing better than long walks in the countryside and before March loved to go up The Wrekin.

Then the now 78-year-old caught Covid and the virus attacked her muscles.

“I was so weak that I couldn’t get out of my chair,” she said.

“I couldn’t walk far at all and was in such pain with my knee I thought I would have to have a knee replacement.”

She went to her first Elevate class in June.

“The hardest thing is walking through the door not knowing anyone,” she admitted.

“But everyone is so friendly and the exercises are tailored to ensure that you can do them whatever your ability. Within three weeks I was able to get out of my chair unaided, then I noticed I was walking much better. When I walked up Pride Hill for the first time since Covid I was so happy and I am now looking to walk up The Lawley, maybe even before Christmas.”

“The classes have really given me a new lease of life.”

Rob Evans, right, with fitness instructor Dan Lewis

Rob Evans, 68, is the president of the Shrewsbury Light Orchestra and a skilled trumpeter.

But his life fell apart at the end of September last year when he lost much of his sight in just days.

He was diagnosed with giant cell arteritis affecting his optic nerves.

“It happened so quickly and completely devastated me,” he said.

“Without the support of my wife, Pat, and my family and friends, I honestly don’t know what I would have done.”

“Because my sight is so bad it has affected my balance - anyone who shuts their eyes then tries to stand on one leg will know what I mean.”

Rob’s confidence plummeted and, needing help with almost everything saw him become increasingly depressed.

“I have been a musician since I was 11 - suddenly I couldn’t read music. I didn’t want to carry on.”

He was referred to Elevate and says it has made an enormous difference.

“Dan is amazing. He is happy to guide me through the exercises because I can’t see what he is showing the others.

“My balance has improved so much as has my confidence to get out and about. In fact we have just got a dog and I feel confident enough now to go out for a walk with the dog and Pat around the local field.”

“I can not thank Elevate enough.”