Shropshire Star

Stop buck-passing to help find answers to health delays, report says

A new system-wide approach is needed by the NHS, councils and care providers if Shropshire is to begin to tackle the issues of delays affecting many parts of the health service a report to councillors says.

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A report calls for a new approach to dealing with health service problems

Delays in ambulance services, access to hospital A&E departments, and primary care services have been the subject of a review by a council task and finish group after a motion passed by Shropshire Council earlier this year to investigate the issues in the health system in the county.

They said one pressure on the system can be delays to patients leaving hospital, typically because the support in the community they need is not ready from them to leave hospital.

A report to the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which meets on Monday, December 12, says that there are many factors that contribute to the delays in the health care system.

These include the difficulty some people have in accessing primary care appointments, and Shropshire’s sparse rural nature and ageing population that is likely need more urgent care.

Difficulties in attracting staffing into caring roles, particularly given the rising cost of living, is also having an effect on care providers’ capacity; despite the council now working with hospitals to discharge almost twice as many people from hospital into social care without delay than it did before the pandemic the report says.

The group is also waiting on confirmation from the NHS on the number of hospital beds that are available to people who use Shropshire’s hospitals, now and in the future, which could impact on its ability to cope with higher demand. Initial information points to this potentially being lower than other comparable areas in the UK.

Claire Wild, who leads the councillors Task and Finish Group that produced the report, said: "There is no one part of the system responsible for the delays we are seeing, but we have lots of different factors coming together to create a perfect storm for Shropshire people.

“Ambulances are delayed because beds aren’t available; people struggle to get GP appointments or primary care isn’t open long enough; social care is struggling with recruitment which means that people can be delayed leaving hospital.

“We have people who are clinically fit to be discharged but, for a variety of reasons, can’t be: this could be treatments not being ready, a lack of transport, or care providers having the beds available but not the staff.

“The public’s frustration is understandable when they experience a system that is not coping. Shropshire’s nature too plays a part: whether due to the distances involved, an above average and increasingly older population, a health infrastructure that appears to be a poor relation when compared with other areas, and a difficulty attracting and retaining staff.

“We need to work together to find solutions and not try and pass the buck onto one part of the system.”

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