'More to us than meets the eye': Severn Hospice holding its first ever jobs fair

School-leavers, jobseekers and college and university graduates are being promised a showcase of 100 roles as a charity hosts its first-ever careers fair.

Severn Hospice is holding a careers event later this month

Severn Hospice will be holding the fair at its hospice site in Bicton, Shrewsbury, between 3pm and 7pm on January 18.

While the hospice provides palliative care on its wards, with its 'hospice at home' nurses and outreach teams and in its day services, there are many other roles from IT experts to housekeepers, cooks and drivers to graphic designers, complementary therapists and chaplains, which enable the charity to run day-to-day.

“There are 100 different jobs here at Severn Hospice but we are one team,” said director of care Becky Richardson.

“Some of the jobs are what you would expect; all our staff are incredibly dedicated and compassionate from our doctors and nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and specialists. But we have roles that people may not expect. We have social media experts, stewards, fundraisers, gardeners and baristas.

“We hope that the careers fair will show there is more to us than meets the eye – and we are on the lookout for people to join us.

“Anyone is welcome to come along – they don’t have to make an appointment, they can just turn up on the day. We will have people from all areas of the hospice on hand to have a chat with anyone who is interested.

“I would encourage anyone who thinks they know what a hospice is about to come along and find out more.

“Our primary purpose is to give outstanding compassionate care to those living with incurable illness. But we are also a £12 million complex organisation which needs a whole range of solid professionals to support that care.

“Working here at Severn Hospice is so rewarding. We support and care for local people, free of charge, when they are facing the bleakest of times. And each one of our employees makes a difference. There is enormous job satisfaction.”

Charlotte Arnold began her nursing career working in the community before moving to a local hospital, and is now sister on the Perry ward at Severn Hospice.

She said: “The difference between working in a hospice and working in a hospital is that here I am allowed time to be with my patients and I have time to support my staff with their patients.

“I knew I wanted to be nurse from when I was a teenager, and it really has been everything I imagined it would be.”

She said her days are never the same; one day could be devoted to admin while another will see her on the wards, attending to patients, making sure they are as comfortable as they can be, liaising with clinical staff or seeking advice from the hospice’s social workers and chaplaincy teams.

“Some people may think this is a strange thing to say but this is the happiest place I have ever worked, and I can’t imagine ever leaving,” she said,

For more information about the careers event email eiriant@severnhospice.org.uk