Telford hospital building 'temporary kitchen' to offer hot meals again after danger concrete found

A temporary kitchen is being built at one of the county's biggest hospitals after danger concrete was found.

Last updated
Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust said the discovery had closed the kitchen and restaurant at Princess Royal Hospital.

Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) confirmed that Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete had been found in the kitchen area at Princess Royal Hospital in Telford last week.

As a result both the kitchen and the Apley Restaurant have been closed.

The situation means that patients on a conventional diet only have a choice of soup, sandwiches and salads for meals.

The trust said that the temporary kitchen would hopefully mean it can provide "a limited hot meal option for patients by the end of the week".

It added that inspections in the kitchen area are ongoing to assess how to resolve the situation.

RAAC is a lightweight material that was used mostly in flat roofing, but also in floors and walls, from the 1950s to the 1990s.

The worry is that the material can fail, and suddenly collapse.

Nationwide concerns were raised when a section of a school building, which had previously been considered 'non-critical', collapsed suddenly.

The Government then issued a warning around the country's schools, while other organisations have been checking their own buildings.

The latest statement from SaTH said: "We would like to reassure our patients, their families and carers that we are doing all that we can to resume our usual catering service at Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford.

"This follows the identification of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in a kitchen area at the hospital and, as a precaution, we have closed the kitchen and Apley Restaurant.

"We are currently working with structural engineers who are inspecting the area and we will share more information when we have a clearer view.

"Alternative arrangements are in place for patients: patients on a normal diet will be receiving a choice of soups (all vegetarian); a selection of sandwiches; a selection of ham and vegetarian salads; yoghurts; mousse; ice cream; fruit; cheese and biscuits and snacks, which are cakes and biscuits.

"Those with any dietary requirements will see no change in the menu.

"For our younger patients on the PRH children’s ward, we will also be providing fish fingers/chicken nuggets."

It added: "Caffe Bistro in the Women and Children’s Centre will be open Monday to Friday: 7.30am to 7.30pm or 9am to 4pm Saturday/Sunday and vending machines remain available across our hospital site.

"We are currently building a temporary kitchen and we hope to provide a limited hot meal option for patients by the end of the week.

"If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ward manager or matron.

"Thank you for your understanding."