Shropshire Star

Hospital 'reviewing' case after 91-year-old nan's 'awful, neglectful and painful death'

Hospital chiefs are 'reviewing the care' given to a much loved grandmother who the family claims suffered an "awful, neglectful and painful death".

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Mrs Gilbertson was a horse lover

Annie Gilbertson, aged 91, died after being discharged back to a care home following a three-week stay in Ward 11 of the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.

Granddaughter Kim Sinclair said: "Within three weeks my nan deteriorated so much due to the negligence of the staff. We were doing everything we could to get Nan back home to Telford Hall care home as this is all Nan wanted."

Mrs Gilbertson, a former mill worker, had lived in Wem for 20 years and been an active member of the local community after being widowed.

The family claims that Mrs Gilbertson had suffered a stroke but the hospital had "no communication" to the family "whatsoever".

Ms Sinclair added: "Nan couldn’t speak, her face was slanted and drooped, when she slept she’d have one eye open slightly and one closed due to the stroke, she was fully blind.

"It was extremely distressful for me to have to walk into the hospital to find my nan like that, who didn’t respond or recognise who I was."

Ms Sinclair said that when they went in on a Sunday, Mrs Gilbertson had "deteriorated even more, and couldn’t say anything and was making the most awful screaming noise".

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