Shropshire Star

Hip hip hooray! Patient's praise wins award for hospital's 'wonderful' joint surgery team

A consultant surgeon and a physiotherapist at a hospital have been awarded for their commitments to hip Periacetabular Osteotomy A (POA) - a form of hip joint surgery for young adults.


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Mr Geraint Thomas, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, and Rob Fox, physiotherapist, at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital have been recognised by an indebted patient for going above and beyond to support the POA service for patients.

They have been awarded the May’s RJAH Stars Award which recognises people doing great things at the Oswestry-based hospital.

The nomination came from Merridy James, a patient of Mr Thomas, who contacted the trust to nominate the team for the monthly staff award.

Merridy said: “I would like to nominate Mr Geraint Thomas, Rob Fox, and the PAO team for their incredible commitment to supporting PAO patients and providing them with such an incredible service.

“The young hip team do things differently to other hospitals and they continually look at ways to make things better for their patients. I strongly believe their approach is far better than other PAO teams across the country in terms of the surgery and the recovery.

“I am extremely lucky to be under Mr Thomas's care. He is a very talented surgeon who shows great care too. Rob’s work through the in-patient physio is outstanding. Without this, I wouldn't be able to do many of the things I can do now. Rob has a unique way of tailoring the programme to his patients' needs and supporting them on many levels.

“I know there are a lot of people in the background who help make all this happen too. I am extremely grateful to everyone who made my surgery a success and who are continuing to support me in my recovery.

“The hospital is very lucky to have a team of wonderful people like this.”

Rob said: “I am extremely chuffed to be nominated and was surprised my colleagues managed to dupe me into attending the surprise award presentation.

“The service we provide is a joint effort between clinicians and patients. Merridy embraced her treatment and physiotherapy which enhanced her recovery experience.”

The pair were presented with their awards, consisting of a keepsake certificate, a voucher, and box of chocolates donated by the League of Friends, by Stacey Keegan, the trust's chief executive.

Stacey said: “I would like to thank Geraint and Rob for their commitment to the hospital and our patients. Their efforts are invaluable to the Trust, which is evident in the patient nomination they received.

“It is great to see the team praised for the fantastic service they provide. Very well deserved.”

POA is the main surgical treatment used for children and young adults with hip dysplasia who experience hip pain, resulting in daily function being limited. The long-term goal of the procedure is to preserve the hip joint, reducing the risk of developing arthritis.