Shropshire Star

'I beat cancer THREE times thanks to research - the next Government must do more to save lives'

A Shropshire woman who beat breast cancer three times is calling for the next UK Government to help save more lives from cancer.


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Val Sinclair, of Pontesbury, near Shrewsbury, describes herself as “one of the lucky ones” and says she is living proof of the power of research after being diagnosed with breast cancer three times.

Underlining unacceptable cancer waiting times and an alarming £1bn gap in funding for life-saving research, Val believes she owes her life to Cancer Research UK after she was told she had a type of breast cancer that could be controlled by a targeted treatment the charity helped to develop, called Letrozole.

She said: “Research is essential if cancer is ever going to be 'eradicated' or if cures are to be found. In the meantime, research is helping to find new ways of treatment and diagnosis, but much more is needed.”

Now, as polling day fast approaches, Val - a blues and jazz singer - is backing Cancer Research UK’s Turning Point for Cancer campaign and says tackling the disease must be a top election priority for all political parties.

Val, a popular blues and jazz singer, has beaten cancer three times

Val understands what is at stake all too well after a routine mammogram showed a lump in her left breast in 2013. She had a cancerous tumour removed and underwent 15 sessions of radiotherapy.

After five years she was discharged but continued to have a mammogram every 18 months.

Just two years later, Val’s consultant expressed concern after examining her right breast. A mammogram showed no signs of a tumour, but her consultant carried out an ultrasound – and another lump was found.

Val had the second tumour removed and underwent radiotherapy but two years later, despite a routine mammogram once again showing ‘no change from last time’ , her consultant expressed concerned after carrying out a physical examination - this time again for her left breast. When an ultrasound scan found a third tumour, Val decided to have her breast removed.

Val Sinclair

She said: “I’m so grateful to the amazing breast consultant whose skill found the tumours while at a low grade. I never needed chemotherapy treatment so I can honestly say I don’t feel like I’ve had cancer three times.

“The mastectomy took longer to recover from, but I was still performing four weeks later. Cancer is evil and has no respect for anyone. You have to challenge it and feel that you are bigger than it will ever be.

"I’m now very open about having breast cancer, and a mastectomy, and to be able to speak about a positive experience will hopefully encourage other women to be positive. We are a ‘sisterhood’, there are so many of us.”

Val added: “Success stories like mine would not be possible without advances in research and treatment. So, it’s distressing to think how many friends, family and colleagues could be affected by the fallout if we don’t speed up progress in the fight against cancer.

“With so many challenges and funding issues surrounding cancer research and care, it’s vital that saving lives comes before politics. When you hear those terrible words, 'it’s cancer', all you want to know is you – or your loved one – have the best possible chance of surviving. Whoever wins the General Election, the next UK Government must help make this a reality for cancer patients everywhere.”

It comes as new analysis from the charity reveals around 190,000 people in the West Midlands and Shropshire region are projected to be diagnosed with cancer in the next five years.

Val said: “Cancer is the defining health issue of our time. So many people’s lives are touched by this devastating disease and the numbers are only growing. So, we must make sure cancer is at the forefront of the minds of all future MPs.”

Cancer Research UK’s calculations reveal that within five years, the next UK Government could help prevent around 500 deaths from the disease in the West Midlands.

That’s if a long-term, fully-funded cancer strategy is rapidly rolled out after the election, along with measures to support research and better prevent, diagnose and treat the disease. With sustained progress, this could rise to around 2,900 deaths avoided in the region in a decade.

She warns that analysis shows if current trends in cancer death rates continue, without action, the UK is at risk of collectively losing a staggering 13 million years of life to cancer in the first parliamentary term alone.

Val is urging people across Shropshire and the West Midlands to call on their local parliamentary candidates to commit to transforming cancer survival by emailing them ahead of the election July 4 at